Get Involved

At LIFE we have always worked hard to ensure that young people are actually running and leading in every area of LIFE. We have young people leading worship, young people preaching, young people organising, young people setting-up and young people leading small groups. Every area of LIFE has young people involved in it!

The aim we had when we started LIFE was that LIFE would be a youth event for young people, run by young people.

However this aim is never fully acheieved and we have to constantly and diligently work hard to ensure that young people are always involved in every area. Below you will see some areas that you can get involved in this term. We would love every single young person that attends LIFE to be involved in some way, so have a look and get involved!

Love Team with Emily O'Neil -
The Love team have one clear and simple job, to bless as many people at LIFE as possible. Whether that's buying individual gifts or writing everyone a note, they help make everyone feel part of the LIFE Family. Emily needs help planning and organising gifts so drop her an email if you are interested

Decoration Team with Jessica Bantleman -
Jess has been given a budget and she is going crazy in IKEA to help make a great atmosphere at LIFE. She needs help with ideas and putting up these crazy decorations. Drop her an email.

Social LIFE with Mayson O'Brien -
3 times a term we stop the LIFE big family gathering at the Kerith and spread out all over Bracknell to meet in each others homes. There are 10 homes you can go to for Social LIFE but we understand that it can be quite hard to get in contact with them. Email Mayson and she will help put you in contact with the right people and help in anyway she can.

Revolution with Dave Betts -
Since the start of LIFE we have had the honour of having Revolution leading us in Worship. Revolution are always looking for new members so if you play the guitar or have always wanted to use the lighting desk then drop Dave an email and he can help you out!

Hosting and Games with Josh Grimmett -
You may have seen Josh leading us in worship before and this term you are going to see him preach! But Josh is also in charge of LIFE hosts and the games. So if this interests you email Josh.

Looking forward to seeing a whole new group of younge people stepping up and helping us take LIFE to next level and reach even more young people!

Much Love

LIFE this term

Here is a blog post with a whole bunch of info about LIFE this term so you know what is happening!

First up LIFE is starting on the 13th Sep with a crazy, full on, night of worship! We are being lead by Revolution and who knows what is going to happen! Tell all the family and let's start the term strong!

The reason we are starting with a night of worship is because we are launching a new theme this term called 'Normal?' The idea behind this is to take LIFE to a new normal and also wrestling with the questions like 'what is a normal teenager? and what is a normal youth club?'

We want it to be normal that worship is mind-blowing, we want it to be normal that miracles happen at LIFE, we want it to be normal that people are welcomed into the family every week and we want it to be normal that lives are changed at LIFE! So the all night of worship is going to help us get to the new normal of worship!

We are also going to do a night of preaching! We are going to ask a group of you to preach to LIFE on the 15th Nov. This will take us to a new normal of preaching!

We are also going to throw in some old-school events to celebrate Christmas. Which include Winter Wonderland and Chapel LIFE.

Really excited about this term got so much planned and let's push ourselves to keep inviting people so that having 300 people at LIFE becomes the new normal!

Much Love

P.S Don't worry we have invited Laurence James-Davis back!

Last minute reminders about Summer LIFE

Summer LIFE begins tomorrow!

I am presonally looking forward to just chilling out, praying and worshipping with my LIFE family! I am also a firm believer that it doesn't where you go in life but who you go with that makes the difference and I am excited to go away for a few days with some of my favourite people in the whole world!

Just thought I would write down a few reminders for you to get you prepared for Summer LIFE.
  • We really want to hear from you guys so if you would like to prepare a 5 minute preach then go ahead and we will try and hear as many preaches as we can!
  • Bring some clothes that you don't mind getting dirty or ruined because we will be doing a few activities throughout Summer LIFE - Don't forget to bring black clothes for the night game!
  • Bring your Bibles and Notepads! - You may not be a note taker but you never what God is going to say, so have something ready to write down whatever God says
See you tomo!
Much Love

Want to preach at SummerLIFE?

On the 14th of August we will be taking over the Wycliffe Centre in High Wycombe and we will be beginning 90 hours straight of our LIFE event.

Those 90 hours include some beach volleyball, a BBQ, chilling in the Sun, worshipping, praying and even a few hours will be dedicated to sleeping. We have also designated some time during our meetings to hear from YOU! We want the young people attending SummerLIFE to share the preaching!

We have dedicated 3 sessions throughout SummerLIFE to hear from You! If you want to join in with this then here are the 3 things you need to know!

1) Write a 5 min (no longer) preach on either your favourite Bible verse or based on something Jesus said.
2) At the start of SummerLIFE add your name to the preachers list.
3) Please understand that we may not be able to hear from everyone, but we will try.

We are really excited about hearing from as many different people as possible so we can get a good picture of what God is saying to us as a youth group.

Much Love.

Wild LIFE - 10 Things you need to know

Here are 10 things you need to know about WildLIFE:

  1. There are three WildLIFE Missions - Rainforest Walk, Old Folks Home, IF Campaign Street Work.
  2. Rainforest Walk involves - General site work, clearing up that sort of thing and spending time with residents which are teenagers who are waiting for a permanent home
  3. Old Folks Home involves - Performing some music, showcasing some talent, someone sharing a testimony and then spending time with resident.
  4. IF Campaign involves - Handing out leaflets in town, drama on bandstand, raising awareness of the IF Campaign
  5. There will be CRB Leaders at each WildLIFE Mission
  6. WildLIFE is on 25th of May (Saturday from 2pm-5pm) However they might finish earlier.
  7. We will start by all meeting at Kerith - Mini buses leave at 2
  8. There is no LIFE on the Friday night before (24th)
  9. You will need a consent for to go on a WildLIFE Mission. You can find these on the Kerith Website.
  10. If you can email which Mission you would like to go on then we would really appreciate it, as some Missions have limited space.

School LIFE

School LIFE:

This week LIFE will not be happening at Kerith. School LIFE is where we meet in a local school rather than at Kerith Community Church. We will be packing up our equipment and taking our event to Easthampstead Park Community School in Bracknell. This will hopefully make it easier for new people to come and see what we are about.

This will be one of our School LIFE events. School LIFE will run very similarly to the regular LIFE at Kerith so your teenagers can expect to find the usual worship, preach, photo booth, chill area and DJ music.

Check out this link for information about the school:

10 things you need to know about School LIFE:

  1. Kerith will not be running transport so please arrange to take and pick up your teenagers.
  2. It will be at Easthampstead Park Community School in the main hall.
  3. There are plenty of car park spaces at the school.
  4. We will be starting at 7pm and finishing at 9pm (A bit earlier than LIFE at Kerith).
  5. We will have tuck shop available.
  6. We will have a DJ for the beginning of the night.
  7. Liam will be preaching.
  8. We will have a time of worship.
  9. You can find directions for the school here:
  10. If you want any more information please contact us or email Liam at


A list of the current Safehouses and also the age of the group that typically gather there, although anyone is welcome to any Safehouse. I have also put down the leaders who attend and lead each Social LIFE.

The Ranger's House  -  Years 10&11, Guys - Max and Jack Ranger
The Benham's House - Year 7-9, Girls - Alice Benham
The Boyle's House - Years 10&11, Girls - Hannah Boyle
The Powell's House - Years 11-13, Girls - Susie Powell and Demi Carlaw
The Lander's House - Year 8, Girls - Tabitha Foley and Marta Lingyte
The Line's House - Year 7 Mix - Jacob Benham, Nick Elliot, Jess Bantleman and Imogen Wilson
The Jackson's House - Year 11-13, Mix - Sam Jackson
The Findlay's House - Year12-13, Guys - Ben Weeks
The K2 House (At the Kerith Centre) - Anyone - Natalie Jones, Heidi Perring, Jamie Mckean and Harry Wade.

If you would like contact information for any of these Safehouses or have any further questions please email
Much Love

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